JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS — The Indonesian government has recently presented the Draft of the Revised National Military Bill (RUU TNI) to parliament, a

RUSIA, RAKYAT NEWS – Presiden Federasi Rusia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin mengadakan rapat kerja di salah satu pos komando militer di wilayah
MAKASSAR, RAKYAT NEWS – Di tengah permasalahan peredaran narkoba yang semakin memprihatinkan, Karang Taruna Kota Makassar menunjukkan komitmen

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The giant PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) has pledged its full support for the implementation of Government

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – In light of recent incidents involving police violence, wrongful arrests, torture, sexual abuse, and extrajudicial

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The sudden appearance of a new airline, Indonesia Airlines, has sparked discussions in Indonesia’s aviation sector. The

OJK Evaluates Credit Risks After Sritex Bankruptcy Leaves 10,655 Jobless
Rakyat News English
SOLO, RAKYAT NEWS – The Financial Services Authority (OJK) in Solo is closely monitoring the potential fallout from the bankruptcy of PT

BALI, RAKYAT NEWS – In a significant move to mark International Women’s Day, the Australian government has reinforced its partnership with

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Agnes Callamard, the Secretary General of Amnesty International, concluded a high-level visit to Indonesia on March 7,

KEEROM PAPUA, RAKYAT NEWS – In a major breakthrough, the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) have arrested a former Indonesian Army (TNI) soldier in

Expansion of Military Roles in Civilian Positions Sparks Outcry
Rakyat News English
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – A coalition of civil society organizations has called on the Indonesian government and the House of Representatives

Indonesia Opens Doors for Foreign Airlines to Operate Domestic Routes
Rakyat News English
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian government is opening opportunities for foreign airlines to operate domestic routes, aiming to address

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has unveiled plans to construct a new oil refinery with a

OJK Outlines Oversight Strategy for BUMN Banks Under Danantara
Rakyat News English
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) has outlined its oversight strategy for state-owned enterprise (BUMN)

Indonesian Prajogo Pangestu Joins List of Global “Super Billionaires”
Rakyat News English
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Prajogo Pangestu, a prominent Indonesian entrepreneur, has been named among the 24 super billionaires globally,

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Indonesia’s ceramic industry is set for a significant boost as the Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association (Asaki)

BNI New York Relocates After 42 Years: A New Chapter in Global Banking
Rakyat News English
USA, RAKYAT NEWS – PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI) has officially relocated its New York office after 42 years of operation at its previous

Indonesia Considers Transfer of Bulgarian Prisoners Amid Bilateral Talks
Rakyat News English
JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for Law, Human Rights, Immigration, and Penitentiary Affairs, Yusril Ihza Mahendra, has

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – Indonesia and Switzerland are exploring expanded legal cooperation, including the possibility of extradition agreements,

JAKARTA, RAKYAT NEWS – The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is set to issue a relaxation export permit for PT Freeport Indonesia
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